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Error Codes & Messages

Below is a list of exhaustive standard error codes. Other error codes not listed below will have their description contained in the message parameter in Credo response.

Status CodeStatus MessageStatus Description
15InitialisingThe merchant had just sent the payment request and gateway returned the payment URL.
14InitialisedThe payment URL was successfully loaded on the customer’s browser.
13AttemptedCustomer has attempted to make a payment
9AbandonedStatus (15/14) abandoned transaction that is more than 24 hours old
8Failed(Aged)Attempted transactions over 24 hours old.
7DeclinedThe declination of a transaction that failed the fraud check.
6ReviewFlagged transaction requiring human review.
5SettledSuccessful transaction that has been settled.
4SettleSuccessful transaction that is being queued for settlement.
3FailedFailed transaction.
2RefundSuccessful transaction that is queued for a refund.
1RefundedSuccessful transaction that is queued for a refund.
0SuccessfulSuccessful transaction

Note: Records with status 14 & 15 are not considered transactions yet and might not show in the transaction history.